Established in 2020, NIRBHUL, a division of Biotrik Organization Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 17100:2015 certified company is , based in Tamluk (90 km. from Kolkata, West Bengal). A trusted name of Professional Translation, Transcription, Subtitling and Voiceover services in India, Nirbhul, with its experienced team has consistently delivered the best quality timely language (translation, interpretation & training) services all over India.
Nirbhul is a leading professional language translation service provider in India managing a worldwide network of trained and experienced translators, transcribers and content writers who work in their native language to deliver cost-effective language translation services at a low turnaround time. Our highly qualified translators, editors and project managers guarantee the accuracy of our translations and exceed our client’s expectations. We can provide professional language translation services efficiently on an urgent basis if required and similarly bulk jobs can be offered at competitive rates!
Security is one of our major concerns. We take precautions to ensure the security of your documents during the translation, editing and proofreading phase and during electronic transfer. Our translators are legally bound by non-disclosure agreements so as to guarantee confidentiality of the documents for translation.
We understand that professional translation services pay attention to style, linguistic connotations, and cultural appropriateness. An expert project manager from our multilingual professional translation team will look after your job from receipt through to delivery, ensuring our translators are fully briefed on the context of each assignment, including your target audience and the role of the document within your communication strategy.
We are committed to the highest quality standards. Thanks to expert industry specific translators, strict quality assurance system and the best translation tools, your final translated document reads as if it has been originally written in the target language.
Nirbhul encourages you as a client to contact us with any questions or concerns. We enjoy fostering positive and open working relationships with our clients. As a company, we value effective communication, understanding that it is integral to maintaining our high standards.
Transcription Services:
Transcription is the technique of listening to an audio or video and recording it in a text format. We accept audio as well as video data for transcription.
Transliteration is the process of transferring a word from the alphabet of one language to another. Transliteration helps people pronounce words and names in foreign languages.
Speech Collection:
The goal of speech collection is to collect an audio recording containing a combination of subject identifying information (such as their name, date of birth, etc.) and speech which can be used for future comparison against the speech of unknown speakers using unspecified speaker recognition methods.
Subtitling is the process of adding text to any audio-visual media to express the message that is being spoken. Essentially, subtitles are a written abridgement of the spoken audio. They allow people to read and understand what is being said, even if they don’t understand the language of the speakers. And without subtitles it would not be possible to grasp the subtleties contained in verbal communications.
Content Writing – The spotlight on writing right!
At Language Services Bureau, we believe in the power of the right word for a right impression and recognize its increasing impact on the highly competitive trends in the industrial and commercial sector. Websites being the first impression, it’s an absolute must for the websites to speak for the enterprise and reach out to the clients. We, at Language Services Bureau, combine your ideas with the ‘power of the right word’ and give your website an appeal that guarantees fool proof success.